domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

UFU: Seminário e Conferência com Charles Bazerman

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) - Brasil

No dia 18 de maio de 2009, a Universidade Federal de Uberlândia promoverá uma conferência e um seminário com o Prof. Dr. Charles Bazerman (Universidade da Califórnia – Santa Bárbara).

Conferência: Genre, Social Activity, Social Systems, and Intertextual Systems

"In this introductory lecture I will introduce the concept of genre as mediating socially activity in mutually recognizable ways, or typifications. These typified forms (which are recognizable at the individual and social levels) are emergent historically and change with each use. We will look at some examples of historically emergent genres and how they change over time in response to changing conditions and strategic uses. We will also examine how social systems and associated genre systems coalesce into quasi-stable configurations that provide anticipatible grounds for action and how literate genre systems form an infrastructure for modern complex, distanciated society. We will also consider how networks of genres create intertextual system that provide context, meaning, and sites of social engagement for each new text."

Data: 18 de maio de 2009
Local: Anfiteatro do Bloco 3Q – Campus Santa Mônica
Horário: 9:30
Público: Alunos de graduação, pós-graduação e professores.

Seminário: Speech Acts, Social Facts, and the Production of Knowledge in Social Situations

"In this seminar we will consider how the socially negotiated spaces of genres create intertextual domains within which knowledge appears, circulates and is used for a variety of purposes. We will look at a number of the knowledge systems that have emerged within the university and society more generally."

Data: 18 de maio de 2009
Local: Sala 1U209 – Bloco U – Campus Santa Mônica.
Horário: 14 horas
Público: Alunos de pós-graduação e professores.

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